Saturday, May 22, 2010

Surgery Update

So we ended up having to stay a second night at the hospital because Bindi wasn't eating enough to keep her hydrated, so she needed to stay on the IV a bit longer. But we were finally able to go home Thurs afternoon. But first we stopped by Shriner's hospital where Bindi had an appointment to get her pinkie fingers checked out. If you remember, her pinkies don't straighten all the way. The good news is that she won't need surgery on them, just some splints and occupational therapy. After that appointment we picked up her meds and headed home. She still had some trouble eating until Fri afternoon, but now she's doing great, almost back to her normal eating schedule and even eating baby food and yogurt. We'll probably take her off her pain meds tomorrow because she doesn't seem to be in any pain anymore. In the meantime, we're enjoying taking things easy in Gridley and getting ready for our next move to Sacramento in July.

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