Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Short and Sweet

Great news! We went to the doctor last Friday, and the cardiologist could not find the hole in her heart that the OBGYN had found. What does this mean? Most likely, it's not there! We have to go back to the cardiologist in a month to make sure, but this is great news. Although she still has 9p- syndrome and she will need surgery for her omphalocele, the scariest thing was the heart problem. Also, she's been very active even now in the 8th month. We were worried that her movement would slow down as she got bigger as this is common in 9p- babies. They just don't have the musculature needed to continue moving around in a cramped space. So most likely she is going to be strong for a 9p- baby (or maybe that's just the talk of a hopeful mother-to-be). We are strongly leaning towards the name Bhindi now, as opposed to Jaya, which was our first thought (my grandmother's name). Also, this post was an excuse to add more pictures. Derek and I recently bought a slide/negative converter to scan all our old negatives. I dug up pictures from the trip to Tanzania in 2003 and wanted to post them on our blog. I've also been scanning Derek's mission pictures and some family pictures, which will be coming soon. Other than that, we are getting to move down to Gridley, CA in the Sacramento valley on May 18 and are excited for some relaxing cabin time before the baby is born.

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