Monday, June 9, 2008

Thank you everyone...

First off, thanks to all of you who are praying for us. Rachel and i are being blessed way more than we ever would have warranted on our own. As you all may or may not know indians think americans are rich. Even nice well intentioned indians think we're loaded. So the lady rachel works with here in delhi at the WHO that was gracious enough to let us stay at her place is charging us 50$ a night. That's right, she is charging us approxamtly 4 times more than we were paying in the states for our own appartment. Needless to say my greatest desire was to abandon that place as quickly as possible. So rachel and i both fasted for a place we could actually afford, and that day at church we met the smith family. They offered us a place to stay for free- as if it was no big deal, like the miracle that they had just preformed for us was small change. Anywho things are great in derek and rachel land, just thought i would let you all know.

ALSO: Just to let you all know you can leave comments, if you have questions or comments about blog posts please comment and we will respond quickly. I feel kinda of bad that this blog is more like an infomercial and less like family bonding. In addition to that notice, i am sorry but pictures may decrease, due to the fact that it is stupid to roam the streets with a 1000$ camera. Anywho, i hope you all will still read.. Love Derek and Rachel!


Scott said...

I've been checking in every 2-3 days and am very pleased to see 3 or 4 new posts since I checked last Friday. For some reason, imagining Derek aimlessly wander New Delhi for a day doesn't at all seem out of place. I'm just waiting to hear about him pulling a rickshaw for a week or something just for kicks. Just remember Derek, since we Americans are so loaded, your rickshaw should command top dollar. Also, Angie and I have decided that as soon as both of our family's kids are grown, ya'll are taking us to the far east (you can take the missionary out of east Texas, but you can't take the east Texas out of the missionary). We're loving all the posts, keep it up! Best wishes, Scott, Angie and JT

Anonymous said...

i have every once in a while checked on the post.(thats a little sister for you) And i wish I were wandering the streets of new Dheli with you guys, instead of being stuck at home with a ear infection. Oh well, I will deal with it. Oh, by the way, dont forget my henna.
Love your irritating lil' sis,

Scott said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention a website that I believe could be very useful to you (although it might be a little late considering what happened to you on your way to Bangalore). - check it out, it's amazing. Make sure to read about the theory of folding clothes to prevent wrinkles.

Anonymous said...

I love the site and the pictures. To be honest, I didn't even know you were living in India! Shows how up to date I keep myself. I knew you were planning the trip, so that is way cool you are enjoying that dream. I'm home in Oregon for a visit with the family. First full family reunion since before my mission, so there are lots of new little kids running around I get to play with. Be safe! Love you both,