Monday, May 19, 2008

Fun in the Sun- East Coast Singapore

This last monday the whole crew went for a fantastic holiday to the east side of Singapore. It was a long drive, all of 15 minutes- considering singapore is an island everywhere is close to the ocean. We had a great time swimming in the sea, playing roundus, eating icecream and lying in the sun. It was a really great time had by all. Later that night we all went to auntie shobi's house and had dinner with the family, afterwards we played cards and had a super wonderfully time. Singapore really has been a blast, Unkle Sureesh and his family has really taken wonderful care of us and shown us all the sights. So far singapore has been a blast! Anywho, tommorow we fly to phuket, thailand, and Rachel and I are excited to go to Thailand and see the sights! Love you all.

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