Just to play catch up on what news has come our way lately - we've seen the genetic counselor, the pediatric surgeon, and the ear nose throat doctor since we last posted. The genetic counselor doesn't have anything new to report - a summary of her condition: no heart problems to speak of, not too many physical abnormalities except for her long fingers and toes, she does have a cleft in her soft palate (which is at the back of her throat rather than at the front of her mouth) that will cause some eating difficulties and would cause speech problems, but they're going to correct it at about 10-14 months of age. Possible problem with her pinky fingers not being able to straighten, which may or may not need to be corrected later in life. Although we have no idea what developmental problems could arise in the future, we are grateful that she has done so well so far. It's a good sign that her disorder is not severe. She has been able to eat very well considering her cleft palate, and even tried to breast feed today (although she didn't care for it). She lost a little weight (as most newborns do), but as soon as she's able to eat normally and starts to gain weight again, they'll send her home. Probably another week. I'm still recovering from my infection, not quite able to walk for more than a few steps yet, but since being discharged from the hospital last night I've been doing a lot of sitting, which hasn't been possible before. Having trouble with breastfeeding (or rather breast pumping), so I'm going to meet a lactation counselor tomorrow. We've moved to the Ronald McDonald House, which is not a bad place to stay. Also I've been busy eating at all the restaurants that were on my list to eat at once I was no longer diabetic. I have crossed off Pizza Hut and Diary Queen. Krispy Kreme coming soon. Don't worry, it's just a binge while I'm recovering from birth, then I'll be back on my healthy schedule. Being a mom is great!
Forgot to mention that Jack and Danielle got married on July 9 at the Sacramento Temple. Luckily we were able to attend and see their beautiful ceremony while the baby was in the hospital. They're going to be a very happy couple.